There is a LOT of questionable information about DE floating around on the internet. These videos, in my opinion, may offer some insight into your condition -- or at least inspire you to do your own research. The first two are from doctors I trust and admire. The rest are from fellow DE sufferers with interesting causes and solutions that work for them.
I will add more helpful videos as I find them.
Excellent professional advice on ALL types of Eczema from Dr. Mark Hyman:
You really learn a lot about eczema from Dr. Hyman. He is a great source on healing from the inside out, and generally my go-to source for nutritional information. Dr. Hyman is a practicing family physician, a New York Times bestselling author and the Director of the Cleveland Clinic for Functional Medicine. Check out his website for all kinds of great information about what he believes to be the root causes of disease.
More good dietary advice on ALL types of Eczema from Dr. Ken Berry:
Since I have had such luck with using diet and natural products to control my DE, I am always on the lookout for doctors who are hip to holistic model of skin healing. I really like the advice of Dr. Berry.
Dr. Berry is the Director of The Berry Clinic. He has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for over a decade, and has seen over 20,000 patients. Dr. Berry focuses on chronic disease and believes much of it is caused by the standard American diet. I find his approach to chronic conditions inspiring.
Personal Stories -- they're as varied as the people who suffer from DE:
What helped me most -- and what prompted me to start this blog -- was listening to other people who had battled this condition and found some relief! I realized how varied the presentation and resolution of DE can be, and that there doesn't appear to be a one size fits all approach to controlling it other than finding YOUR personal triggers and addressing each of them. For me, removing gluten and excess cobalt was key.
The following YouTubers have very different stories to tell, and perhaps one of them will resonate. I'm amazed by the generosity of these people who share their stories.
Is it stress? Food? Both?
Seren says that stress and dairy products trigger her outbreaks. See if any of her suggestions could possibly help you:
Since I have had such luck with using diet and natural products to control my DE, I am always on the lookout for doctors who are hip to holistic model of skin healing. I really like the advice of Dr. Berry.
Dr. Berry is the Director of The Berry Clinic. He has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for over a decade, and has seen over 20,000 patients. Dr. Berry focuses on chronic disease and believes much of it is caused by the standard American diet. I find his approach to chronic conditions inspiring.
Personal Stories -- they're as varied as the people who suffer from DE:
What helped me most -- and what prompted me to start this blog -- was listening to other people who had battled this condition and found some relief! I realized how varied the presentation and resolution of DE can be, and that there doesn't appear to be a one size fits all approach to controlling it other than finding YOUR personal triggers and addressing each of them. For me, removing gluten and excess cobalt was key.
The following YouTubers have very different stories to tell, and perhaps one of them will resonate. I'm amazed by the generosity of these people who share their stories.
Is it stress? Food? Both?
Seren says that stress and dairy products trigger her outbreaks. See if any of her suggestions could possibly help you:
What in the world is Methylisothiazolinone?
Stacie's story is fascinating. Could you be allergic to a chemical commonly used in many products? I'd never heard of MI allergy until I saw this video. Stacie offers a detailed explanation of her DE journey, with some excellent suggestions.
Could Vegan be the way to go?
Nick's adamantly believes that shellfish -- and in particular the metal in shellfish -- originally triggered his DE. That discovery led to the elimination of all meat and dairy, and the resulting diet ultimately stopped his DE. His story shows me just how diverse DE solutions are, because his vegan diet is the polar opposite of my modified paleo diet. Could you benefit from Nick's approach? Take a look below, and be sure to check out his other videos and blog.
Actually, maybe it's wheat and dairy?
Ben shares his DE story, which coincides with other allergic reactions. He determined that his diet was the cause. Ben cut out wheat and dairy to solve his DE. He now has a very restricted diet, but his skin problems have been solved. Again, this will show you that DE can be caused by many different things!
Maybe you can control it with these topicals...
This YouTuber doesn't share her name, but she does share products that have offered her "tremendous results." For her, a specific topical astringent solution tamed her DE. She also uses nutritional supplements like zinc, omega 3s and apple cider vinegar.
Food allergies? Yes! But don't forget stress!
After a lot of trial and error, ZeRoSiLvErHaWk got rid of his dyshidrotic eczema by finding out his food allergen (dairy!) and eliminating it, as well as adding more fruit. He also insists that reducing his stress has been a big part of his recovery.
Heal your gut and heal your skin...
Greg believes digestive stress is the prime reason for dyshidrotic eczema. He has quite a few videos about this theory, with other types of eczema included. His advice includes eliminating chemicals both topical and ingested, eating organic and adopting a generally more natural lifestyle.
Getting the right diagnosis is key!
Carl shares his story about DE, how it was misdiagnosed as herpetic whitlow, and how he was eventually properly diagnosed by a dermatologist. Find out his story, and what topicals eventually helped him most:
Could these natural products help your DE?
MsEczemaCure uses apple cider vinegar, essential fatty acids, zinc and flaxseed oil as well as various natural topicals to control her DE outbreaks.
MsEczemaCure uses apple cider vinegar, essential fatty acids, zinc and flaxseed oil as well as various natural topicals to control her DE outbreaks.
Don't give up!
Remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE WITH YOUR STRUGGLE! For me, just knowing that others even had the condition made me feel less like the freak with zombie hands and feet. Knowing that so many have learned to control DE gave me the courage to tackle my condition with the belief that I could heal.